Thursday, 14 June 2012

First Paragraph draft.

Here is the latest draft of the first chapter/prologue. After this, the story will skip back 6 months and start from there.Names are still undecided yet! Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
This is roughly what UK1 looks like.  

34th December
High up in the atmosphere, above the clouds, higher than the mountain plateaus of Nouveau Europia, a gigantic shard of metal and glass hangs like an early morning star. Being thousands of meters in length, it pierces the heavens, dwarfing the moon; its pale glistening exterior reflecting the rays of a dying sun. As the streaks of red and gold rush across the crystal sky, they light up this strange object with colours of crimson and saffron, making it seem like a glowing fireball.

This is UK-One.


It is the year 2099, 34th of December. High up in UK-One, the population of district 7 are starting to awaken and start the day. The Glocke-Engines are spooling up to full capacity, propelling the sky-ship onto a new course.

On the bridge, President [Don’t have a name yet] monitors the vast banks of instruments and displays before him.  He turns to speak to the captain.

"How are the radiation levels? Is it safe enough to land?"

"In the safety zone sir, and falling”.

"Get Westminster on the radiograph. I want them to prepare the docking pan for our arrival."

“Yes sir.”

As the captain scurries to the other side of the bridge, President [don’t have a name yet] gazes out through the observation windows upon the city below him. To the west, the port of Heathrow flickers with a scattering of lights of the numerous aircraft waiting to dock. To the east, the towers of parliament and central London rise up, with the floating parks of Hyde and Regent weaving through the mass of walkways and bridges that link the whole of upper London together. [Don’t have a name yet] ignores these glorious sites, and focuses upon the enormous structure that UK-One is heading towards. Rising high out of the old suburbs of Richmond and Hounslow is a colossal network of concrete pillars and metal walkways, at the top of which is a cylindrical control tower. Surrounding this tower, are seven U-shaped metal cradles, with networks of pipes and cables slinking their way down to the central hub.

President [I don’t have a name yet] smiles, and checks the news reports for the day. He has been in power for only 4 years, and already he has put the country on the path to becoming a global Super state. He has spent his whole career to getting to this position, and from the opinion polls, it looks like he is here for a while.

Without warning, a deafening boom reverberates throughout the fabric of UK-One. Klaxons sound, whilst a massive groan of flailing power cuts through the air. The nose of the ship rises, whilst the stern falls, throwing everyone on the bridge to the ground.

The President shouts to the captain:

"What the devil just happened?”

As captain [No name yet] struggles up the slope to the controls, his face turns ashen.

"It's the Glocke Engines. They've all stopped. Their gravity resistance output is at 46%, no wait, 45%, oh god it's falling. What shall we…"

He doesn't get to finish his question, for at that moment a second, much larger blast shakes the ship.  Cracks snake their way along the entire 7500 metres of the ship, bleeding light and smoke in torrents. The gigantic glass panels that make up the sides pop out of their frames, shattering into fragments, whilst the steel frames and ribs buckle and break. With a deafening moan, the top keel snaps, decks pancake onto one another, sending flames licking up into the morning sky.

As fire drenches down onto the city below, the wreck of UK-One tumbles and starts to break up in mid-air. The heavier stern falls quickest, the fusion reactors tumbling out in cascades of silver and chrome. As the wreckage impacts the ground, a flurry of mushroom clouds blossom upwards, dappling the sky into orange and gold. Lightening licks across the sky, feeling its way towards the fleeing mass of sky ships and superliners. Everything is flooded in a blaze of light, smoke and ash billowing upwards. The deluge of heat burns fleeing airships to cinders, whilst the blast waves collide with the towers of Upper London, vaporizing them into dust. 

A hundred miles away, on a lonely mountain top, a solitary spyglass watches the disaster unfold. The cold eye behind the lens glances over the scene, whilst a cruel mouth smiles over what is still to come.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

More images...

More images! I'll try to finish a sketch of UK One soon and upload it aswell.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Inspiration... again !

Hey, here are a couple more images I've found. The first two are of an orbital spacecraft, called  HOTOL, scanned from a book on Concorde replacements. It's very similar to how I imagine UK One to be like. In particular, I like the fin at the front, and the jet layout at the rear, with engines slung under the belly for normal flight. Anyway, after that, there are some scans from a book called "Anatomy of the aeroplane". I found it in a tiny book shop in Bridport, and its full of technical aircraft notes, some of which I can only just understand! Anyway, its got lots of interesting drawings and diagrams, some of which are included below:
BAe HOTOL concept

BAe HOTOL concept

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Some more progress...

Here's a bit more of what I have written so far. It's all very rough, and full of errors, and no doubt it will get rewritten at some point. But here it is anyway: 

High up in the atmosphere, above the clouds, higher than the mountain plateaus of  Nouveau Europia, a gigantic shard of metal and glass hangs like an early morning star. Being thousands of meters in length, it pierces the heavens, dwarfing the moon; its pale glistening exterior reflects the rays of a dying sun. As the streaks of red and gold rush across the crystal sky, they light up this strange object with colours of crimson and saffron, making it seem like a glowing fireball.

This is UK-One.


It is the year 2999,  34th of December. High up in UK-One, the population of sector 7, are starting to awaken and start the day. The Glocke-Engines are spooling up to full capacity, propelling the sky-ship onto a new course.

On the bridge, President [Dont have a name yet] monitors the vast banks of instruments and displays before him.  He turns to speak to the captain. 

"How are the radiation levels?"

"In the safety zone sir, and falling. "

"Get Westminster on the phone. I want them to prepare the central docking pan for our arrival."

Without warning, a deafening boom reverberates throughout the fabric of UK One. Klaxons sound, whilst a massive groan of flailing power cuts through the air. The nose of the ship rises, whilst the stern falls, throwing everyone on the bridge to the ground.

The President turns to the captain,

"What the devil just happened ? "

As captain [No name yet] struggles up the slope to the controls, his face turns ashen.

"It's the Glocke Engines. They've all stopped. Their gravity resistance output is at 46%, no wait, 45%, oh god it's falling. What shall we"

He doesn't get to finish his question, for at that moment a second, much larger blast shakes the ship.  Cracks snake their way along the entire 7500 metres of the ship, whilst the gigantic glass panels that make up the sides seem to pop out of their frames. With a deafening moan, the top keel snaps, decks pancake onto one another, flames licking up into the morning sky. 

I'm not so sure about destroying the central part of the book in the first opening part, but it could work, if I carried on with a "six months earlier" bit, and then spend the rest of the story building up to this event. As I said in the beginning of this post, everything is all a bit jumbled, and I don't really know where this book will lead. I don't want it to sound like any of the books I've read, so it's going to take some thinking to come up with an entirely different time period and place in which to place my story.


Sorry there hasn't been an update recently, what with GCSE's and revision, time has been limited. Anyway, I recently found these images, which are similar to what think UK ONE would look like. I think they are of a conceptual spacecraft. called hypersoar (what an awesome name).

Thursday, 12 April 2012

First paragraph

Here is what I have written so far. Background info will be posted shortly.

High up in the atmosphere, above the clouds, higher than the mountain plateaus of Nouveau Europia, a gigantic shard of metal and glass hangs like an early morning star. Being thousands of meters in length, it pierces the heavens, dwarfing the moon, its pale glistening exterior reflects the rays of a dying sun. As the streaks of red and gold rush across the crystal sky, they light up this strange object with colours of crimson and saffron, making it seem like a glowing fireball.

This is UK-One.

It is the year 2099, 34th of December. High up in UK-One, the population of sector 7, are starting to awaken and start the day. The Glocke-Engines are spooling up to full capacity, propelling the sky-ship onto a new course.