Thursday, 12 April 2012

First paragraph

Here is what I have written so far. Background info will be posted shortly.

High up in the atmosphere, above the clouds, higher than the mountain plateaus of Nouveau Europia, a gigantic shard of metal and glass hangs like an early morning star. Being thousands of meters in length, it pierces the heavens, dwarfing the moon, its pale glistening exterior reflects the rays of a dying sun. As the streaks of red and gold rush across the crystal sky, they light up this strange object with colours of crimson and saffron, making it seem like a glowing fireball.

This is UK-One.

It is the year 2099, 34th of December. High up in UK-One, the population of sector 7, are starting to awaken and start the day. The Glocke-Engines are spooling up to full capacity, propelling the sky-ship onto a new course.